Monday, August 1, 2011

January 7, 2011

I was laying in bed, a typical morning for me, and my phone started to ring. It was my mom so I answered it and heard some news that I defiently wasn't expecting to hear. My mom said "Michelle, I am calling to tell you that your dad passed away this morning." I proceeded to ask what happened. In short detail He was driving and had a massive heart attack and died on the scene. I was shocked though and didnt even really know what to think. For of you guys that know me, know I don't have a great relationship with my dad. My first thought was "I didn't even tell him Keegan was born." That is still my one regret to this day. After hearing the news I was not planning on going up to his funeral, for it was the middle of winter, we were tight on money, I didnt have a great relationship with my dad and didn't think I would care, and Keegan was just over a weeks old and that is a long drive to take so soon. But as the day went on and it begun to sink in of what had happened I decided that I needed to make a trip up there and say my good byes and have closure or I would reget it down the road. So around 5pm we threw everything together and started the LONG drive up to Spokane, WA. I am so greatful that I decided to go. I was able to say my good byes and It was the best time and a bonding moment with my family.
 I was so blessed that Keegan did amazing on the drive and didn't get sick.
"DAD! I love you and will forever miss you! I know you are watching over my little Keegan and that even though you are not here to be his grandpa that you are his angel!"

On a side note Keegan was weighted this day and had lost more weight since being sent home. They had me start pumping and supplementing formula. He just never wanted to eat and would fall asleep as soon as I put a bottle in his mouth.

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