Friday, October 1, 2010

My last 24 weeks of pregnancy

On May 26th, I went to my First Appointment. I had my first ultrasound and got the official confirmation that I was pregnant and Due January 18th. There are so many Birthdays in January that it will be lucky if he doesn't have to share his birthday with someone else we know. The doctor confirmed that there was sadly only one baby (I secretly have always wanted twins).
 I had to go back 2 weeks later on June 9th because I was just barely along at my first appointment and the doctor couldn't get a good picture of the baby. At this appointment we saw the baby's heart beating strong and the doctor said he was healthy. I am always so happy when I get to go to the doctor and see my sweet baby. I worry all the time about his health and try and do everything right so that he can be as healthy and strong as possible. Up to this point I had been feeling great, really tired but no real morning sickness.  (That changes later on)
July 7th was my next appointment, I have still been feeling great and haven't had much sickness. I do have to take a nap everyday and am still ready for bed by 8pm. At this apointment I got to hear my baby's sweet heart beat. The doctor said it sounded very healthy and strong. I am of coarse happy to hear the beat cause until I can start feeling him move I think I will worry everyday about him.
On July 9th I woke up and was exxtremly sick. I was sick all weekend and finally on Monday July 12th I called my doctor cause I was at the point I couldn't keep down anything. He told me that I needed to go to the ER and get checked out. As soon as Chad got home from work off to the ER we went. Ended up that I was extremly dehydrated and needed 4 liters of fluid flushed in me. It took them forever to get an IV put in and I was so worried about my sweet baby, but the doctor assured me that everything should be fine cause I haven't had any cramping or spotting. After spending the evening in the hospital we were released about midnight. The very next morning I woke up with horrible cramps and had some light spotting, I of coarse was worried sick, I called the doctor and he wanted to see me right away, I called Chad at work and he came home and off to yet another Doctors apointment we went. I had another ultrasound and the doctor said everything looked fine and to just try and push liquids and gave me a prescription for Zofran. This one just dissovled on my tongue though so I wouldn't have to drink anything with the pill. (Liquid seemed to make me more sick then anything.
I was feeling good for about a week and then on Tuesday July 20th I started getting sick again. On July 21st at about 8pm I told chad that I didn't feel right and needed to go to the ER cause something was wrong. Big suprise I was dehyrdrated again. Even after getting 4 different doses of Anti-Nausea medication via IV and 3 liters of fluid, I was still puking and unable to drink anything. The doctor was at a loss of what to do next because nothing was working. He called my doctor and they decided that the next day I would be put on Home IV Therapy so that I wouldn't really have the chance to get dehydrated again. We didn't get home until about 6am and off to bed I went while Chad stayed up cause I still had Daycare children coming.
On Thursday July 22nd, I went to get my IV in place, Home Health Care then brought me out all the IV bags and medication I needed for the next week. The horrible news I got was a new IV had to be put in every 3-4 days, UGH I was so tired of needles and getting poked. I did about 2 weeks of Home IV Therapy and started feeling good again so the doctor agreed it was time to take it out and try to go without it since I should be getting over the morning sickness phase. He still wanted me to check my ketones everyday though to make sure I was staying hydrated so we could catch any sign of dehydration early on so I wouldn't end up in the ER again.
On August 4th, not only did I get my IV out that day but we also got the exciting news that we are having a little boy. At this apointment I was measuring a few days big which was a relief to me since I had been so sick and was worried about if my baby was gaining enough weight. During this ultrasound we got to see all the baby's organs and bones. Baby was healthy and moving all around. Doctor said everything was great and working. We have decided to name our baby boy Keegan McCoy Patten!
I started having stomach cramps on August 17th and finally on the 19th I called the doctor and he had me come in. Baby was fine... heart rate was 170. It ended up that I had a bladder infection and once I started antibotics I felt 100% better. It always seems like though when I have a set back like this or any other sickness my body just doesn't respond well and gets even more sick. Low and behold on Monday, August 23rd I had to go have my IV put back in. Not something I really wanted to do but if it meant not being sick all the time and making sure our baby stayed healthy, I would do it. This round of treatment was alot harder on me. My veins would not cooperate and I was going in every 2-3 days for a new IV. They had a difficult time finding a vein, I would end up getting poked 3-4 time before they could find one. I decided to go off it on September 4th just cause I couldn't take it anymore.
On September 1st I had yet another check up! I was finally 20 weeks. It was also the first appointment that I actually gained weight unstead of losing weight. The Doctor was happy about that. Keegan was healthy and had a strong heartbeat. The Doctor said he was Happy and Healthy. Not really sure how he knows Keegan is Happy but I will agree with it, he is the doctor after all. Finally on September 4th, I felt Keegan move for the first time.

This is taken on September 6th, 1 day shy of 21 weeks. Most days I just feel fat more then actually pregnant but I defiently have days that I look pregnant, other days just look like I've gained 30 pounds.
 I just had my 24 week appointment September 29th, Keegan's heartbeat is a healthy 150. The doctor gave me a flu shot and now we just have to get Chad one. This is my first year ever getting a flu shot so I am hoping it works. My arm is so sore, it feels like some punched me where they put in the shot but oh well if it means I have a lower chance of getting sick I will take the pain. I am feeling great besides trying to get over a cold. I am hoping that I am finally over the sickness part and can enjoy the next 16 weeks of this pregnancy. Keegan is getting much more active and I can't wait for Chad to actually be able to feel him. Everytime you put your hand on my belly he stops moving. One of these days it will happen!
Sorry this is so jumbled and long but it is now updated. I will try harder to get on more and update things. Also Ultrasound pictures to come once I get them scaned in!

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